The Nepisiguit


Vol. 1 No. 1

January 1997

The Bathurst Sustainable Development Project

Living in a healthy Bathurst Environment


What is Sustainable Development? 1

Why Create the Bathurst Sustainable Development Project? . . . . . . . . . .1

Similar Projects in Different Parts of New Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

What do we hope to achieve? . . . .1

Accomplishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


For more information

The Bathurst Sustainable Development Project
PO Box 50, 495 Riverside Dr.
Bathurst, New Brunswick
E2A 3Z1

Tel: 547-7243
Fax: 547-7694
E-mail: bsdev@nbnet.nb.ca

Your Environmental Trust Fund at Work

Votre Fonds en fiducie pour l'environnement au travail.

    What is Sustainable Development?

    Sustainable Development is a process which emphasizes a better future through the harmonization of two essential elements in our society: the economy and the environment.

    Why Create the Bathurst Sustainable Development Project?

    Environmental protection has become a growing interest to us all. In the past few years, the environmental quality of our watershed, especially water quality, has caused concern for citizens in the region.

    As a result of these concerns, the New Brunswick Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, with financial aid from the Environmental Trust Fund, founded the Bathurst Sustainable Development Project in August 1995. The overall objective of the project is to set up a long-term mechanism for communication and action among government, business and the community.

    The project also encourages residents to take an active part in improving the environmental quality of the Nepisiguit Watershed so that everyone can enjoy a bright and clean future!

    Similar Projects in Different Parts of New BrunswicK

    The Bathurst Project is not the only one of its kind. Throughout the province a number of similar projects have been established. The Bouctouche Sustainable Development Project was created to alleviate pollution problems in their oyster fishery. The project was extended to include the Cocagne Bay and is now looking at integrating the Richibucto area. The Caraquet Sustainable Development Project was also created to improve shellfish harvesting in Caraquet Bay. This project is currently creating a management plan for users of the Bay and will be expanding to include the Shippegan area. Although every project is different, they each seek to achieve one goal: Sustainable Development.

    What do we hope to achieve?

    Sustainable Development and Public Participation in Bathurst Sustainable Development Project decision-making! It's you, the public, who determine what initiatives we undertake. Therefore, the more people who contact us with issues, concerns of for more information, the better! If you contact us with a concern, we make it our #1 priority to find out