2 January 1997
about the problem, who is responsible for it, and what can be done about it. If concerns are
addressed and problems are alleviated, we fel we are improving the quality of the life in our
watershed. A small step toward Sustainable Development!
Sanitary Shoreline Survey
A visual inspection of the Nepisiguit Watershed shorelines took place in the summer and fall of
1995. The overall objective of this study was to establish a database of potential pollution
sources possibly affecting our Watershed. This database was created for background in
subsequent initiatives.
Resource Centre
A Resource Centre has been open to the public since August 1995 and is always being updated.
Documents, photographs, databases, studies, videos, etc. relating specifically to the Nepisiguit
Watershed, as well as to general environmental concepts are just some examples of what can be
found for public use. The Resource Centre is open from Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. to
4:30 p.m.
Awareness and Education
Our goal for Sustainable Development Awareness and Education is to effectively inform both the
general public as well as students in school. A Communications Plan was developed which
outlines programs focusing on Sustainable Development for use in the community and in
Beach Clean Up
One more step toward a cleaner place to live, 500 kg of waste was picked up from the shorelines
of the Nepisiguit Watershed.
Household Hazardous Waste Survey
Our project undertook a survey of local automobile dealers, auto part business, garages etc. to
determine what they do with their hazardous waste and whether or not they were official
recipients of other people's wastes. The result of this survey has been used in conjunction with
other useful information to develop an information brochure and newsletter. Anticipated date of
publication is in January 1997.
Middle River Water and Septic Survey
To assure good water quality for the municipality of Bathurst and Beresford, a survey of water
and septic facilities was distributed to the residents of the Middle River Area. The goal of the
survey was to create awareness among residents living along the Municipality's drinking water
source. Following the survey, well and septic system information leaflets where distributed.
Youghall Beach And Carron Point Water and Septic
A similar initiative to the Middle River Survey, a survey was distributed to residents to find out
information on their wells and septic systems. This initiative resulted in numerous complaints
from residents in both areas. The survey was followed by an information sheet and a draft report
with recommendations has been circulated to Working Group Members.
Partnership with Daly Point Reserve
The Bathurst Sustainable Development Project teamed up with the Daly Point Nature Reserve to
update the display board with fauna and flora found in the