Youth Environmental Leadership Program (YELP)
Do you know a youth aged 12-18 years old that is passionate about the environment and would like to learn how to make a difference in the Bathurst region and develop leadership skills? If yes, then read on…
This summer, twenty local youth aged 12-18 will spend two days a week learning about the environment, climate change, biodiversity, and what they can do to make a difference as youth environmental leaders. This program will be hosted by the summer students and staff at Bathurst Sustainable Development, and is free of charge for youth participants.
There are twenty spaces available, and the program will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis with ten spaces reserved for French youth, and ten spaces reserved for English youth. The summer program will be run as a fully bilingual program. If you know of a youth that might be interested, please be sure to pass on this information to them.
Goal? To train the environmental and community leaders of tomorrow.
What? During the program, youth environmental leaders will learn about the following:
§ Local and global biodiversity & conservation
§ Leadership, stewardship and volunteering
§ Organic gardening & growing food for the community
§ Organize a youth-led Eco Fair
§ Learn about climate change, eco-careers, greening events, composting, & eco-art
§ How to decrease ecological footprints, renewable energy and much, much more!
When & Where?
§ Youth attend two half-days per week
For additional information you can contact The Bathurst Sustainable Development Environmental Leadership Program for Youth by either (1) calling 548-8470 or 548-2106, (2) emailing
Below is information about the leadership program and activities from the summer of 2010.